11 Things You Learn Rewatching Moonraker

6. Corinne Dufour's Brutal Death Is Incredibly Jarring

Moonraker Corinne Dufour
United Artists

Moonraker features one of the most viscerally unpleasant death scenes in the entire Bond franchise, when Drax finds out his personal pilot Corinne Dufour (Corinne Cléry) has been helping Bond and arranges her demise.

After a spot of pigeon shooting with 007, Drax has two ravenous rottweilers chase Dufour through the woods, and following a brief dash, she's overcome by the hungry canines, who presumably maul her to death and eat her.

Though it's not exactly a new trick for a Bond villain to murder a duplicitous underling, never before has it been carried out in such grounded-yet-gnarly fashion. Trap doors and sharks are too silly and heightened to be that horrific, but the desperation of Dufour's final moments feel like they belong in a totally different movie.

Plus, nowadays it's almost impossible to watch this scene without thinking of that certain dog-eats-man sequence from Django Unchained. The horror, the horror.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.