3. Kristen Stewart And Robert Pattinson Have A Very Strange Conversation In Twilight
Only Bella and Edward can make a conversation about the weather sound as if the apocalypse is upon us. Edwards Hello is the weightiest "hello" youve heard in your life. He then tries to have a cheerful conversation, asking her whether she enjoys the rain. Bella reacts as if he made her decide between the life of her father and her mother. Three gasps later, she asks Youre asking me about the weather?, inexplicably flabbergasted. I guess I am says Edward, with a nonchalant voice but a constipated facial expression. Well, I dont really like the rain. Any cold, wet thing I dont really Bella responds awkwardly. When he asks her why she moved to the wettest place in the US if she doesnt like rain, again, Bella acts like shes just landed in a Lars Von Trier movie and Edward asked her the most intimate question she ever received. And this while the most personal, even accusatory thing that was said in the conversation came from Bella herself You were gone? To make the scene completely awkward, in between the cheesy lines, Bella overtly drools over Edwards golden eyes. Subtlety is not her thing. Nor are emotions, obviously. Good or bad awkward? Bad awkward, obviously. The scenes ridiculous, unnecessarily weighty, and to top it all: the conversation is mighty uninteresting. The nice song that starts halfway through the scene partially saves it. Just for a really small part, though.