11 Unintentionally Awkward Movie Moments

2. Cameron Diaz Molests A Car In The Counselor

The Counselor has a fantastic cast: Michael Fassbender, Javier Bardem, Cameron Diaz and Penelope Cruz. The story centres around €˜the counselor€™, played by Fassbender, who gets involved in a drugs deal. There were high hopes for this one, considering its great cast, Bardem€™s funny haircut and Ridley Scott€™s legacy. Unfortunately, these weren€™t realised. The movie€™s biggest weakness probably is the fact that it€™s Cormac McCarthy's first stab at a non-book screenplay, and it shows. There are too many insiders. This might be easy to digest when you€™re reading, but in a movie it doesn€™t work. It felt like Scott wanted to come across as smart, and the difficult literary references strengthen this effect. In the above scene, Reiner tells €˜The Counselor€™, about the time his girlfriend, Manila, did unholy things with his car. Next thing, the movie takes us to this particular moment and we see Cameron Diaz taking her panties off and matter-of-factly stating €œI'm going to f*ck your car.€ And she does. With gusto. Maybe it seems kinky on the page, it€™s just plain weird on the big screen. Or on any screen for that matter. Good or bad awkward? So, yeah, bad awkward. Even a gorgeous woman like Diaz can€™t pull this off. Reiner€™s bottom feeders-comparison and The Counselor inquiring whether Manila reached an orgasm only increase the scene€™s level of awkwardness.

Julie Putseys hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.