Marvel: 11 Ways The MCU Is Definitely Laughing At You

8. Ant-Man

When you have characters like Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel and the Inhumans still waiting in the wings (as they were before Ant-Man was optioned), quite why anyone would choose to option an Ant-Man picture with comedy stalwart Paul Rudd. It's like those whispered suggestions of Nic Cage playing the Scarecrow for Batman Triumphant; it just doesn't sound serious. Ant-Man is easily the least hyped of all MCU movies to date: with geek auteur Edgar Wright involved it was already a tough sell; without him it's doubly so. And it still feels like Marvel trolled everyone by looking at who they could bring to the screen to open Phase 3, and choosing the guy who communicates with ants and shrinks himself down to fight crime. If it wins, Marvel's laughs will echo all the more loudly.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.