12 3D Film Re-Releases That Must Happen

2. The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy

The Hobbit films have had so much bad press, but the truth is their HFR 4K 3D looks beautiful. Some people don't like it, that's fair enough, but it does look stunning. And especially in the latest installment, The Desolation Of Smaug, the battle scenes and basically-any-time-you-see-Smaug are stunning. Obviously part of this comes from shooting in 3D, and 4K, and HFR, but post-conversion 3D has come a long way since the old red-cyan days, and applying this to the entire original trilogy would just be amazing. Think of the Battle Of Helm's Deep (AKA the Battle of the Hornburg for fans of the novels) or Shelob's Lair or even the beginning of Fellowship, with the massive prologue and beautiful landscapes of Hobbiton. And the fireworks! Previously described as unfilmable, The Lord Of The Rings is an epic both in written and screen form, and 3D is the only way it could possibly be improved. Whether you like what he does or not, there's no denying that Peter Jackson has been at the forefront of film technology alongside James Cameron for the past fifteen years or so, and 3D has simply been the next big advance after the Lord Of The Rings trilogy was made. But would he return to the originals to convert them? Elijah Wood said in 2012 that it might happen "eventually" but later that year Peter Jackson confirmed that there were "no plans to do that at this stage", meaning that it could be more seriously talked about now that he's coming to the end of The Hobbit, but, again, don't hold your breath. You could always start a petition.

I'm a British filmmaker (or, at least, trying to be) and about to graduate with a Film Studies degree. Most of the time I should spend working is actually on Netflix so I obviously have loads of life experience to share with you lovely people.