12 Actors Joss Whedon Always Casts In His Work

10. Jonathan M. Woodward

Along with Umberger, Jonathan M. Woodward has the rare distinction of playing two different characters on Buffy and Angel. Both of Woodward's parts, however, use his real face, yet in the usually cohesive world of the two shows his characters don't seem to have any connection. First, he turned up in Buffy season seven episode Conversations With Dead People as a vampire who was once a psychology student. Outside of the Buffyverse, he then featured in Firefly episode The Message as Tracie Smith. His most (in)famous role in a Whedon production is his recurring turn as Wolfram & Hart scientist Knox across Angel's fifth season (plus one appearance in the fourth). You'll remember him as the b*stard responsible for Fred's death, choosing her as the new vessel of Illyria.

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