12 Actors Who Admitted Doing A Movie Purely For The Money

3. Alec Guinness - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars

Alec Guinness was famously prickly about his role as Obi-Wan in Star Wars; he hated the script, he hated making it and he suggested his character die so he could leave early. He even reduced a child fan to tears after he told Guinness he€™d seen it over a hundred times. Guinness asked him to promise that he'd never watch it again. He only did the movie - which he thought was €œfairytale rubbish€ - when Lucas offered him a percentage of his own gross on the film. This deal would unwittingly make Guinness a rich man, but he still didn€™t have much fun shooting it. His opinion softened a little afterwards, when he admitted the film had a sense of good moral fun to it; plus the money he made allowed him to pick his roles more carefully. But being approached by fans for the rest of his life eventually drove him crazy, so he went back to hating the movies again.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.