12 Actors Who Did Career Worst Work In 2017

10. Alicia Vikander (Tulip Fever)

Tulip Fever Alicia Vikander

It's always a bad sign when a movie takes over three years to hit cinemas from the time production wrapped, and despite initial Oscar hopes about this adaptation of the hit novel of the same name, Tulip Fever is an unintentionally hilarious dumpster fire of an historical romantic drama.

Poor Alicia Vikander, whose career has flourished in the years since this film was shot, with acclaimed performances in Ex Machina and Testament Of Youth, before winning a Best Actress Oscar for her turn in The Danish Girl.

Tulip Fever is the sort of movie she probably hoped would never actually land a substantial release, but that it did, stranding the actress in a period bodice-ripper that alternates between being stamina-drainingly boring and accidentally hysterical.

Vikander is left without a clue, and though she's clearly trying hard to sell the material, it comes off desperately over-eager for the most part, especially as she has zero natural sexual chemistry with her love interest, played by Dane DeHaan.

At least the film bombed hard enough at the box office that few will actually remember it by the time 2018 rolls around.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.