12 Alternative Versions Of Sci-Fi Movies We Didn't Get To See

5. The (Meaner) Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

I Am Legend Make Up Test

The 2011 reboot of the Planet of the Apes franchise was pretty well-regarded upon release, with its surprisingly poignant handling of Alzheimer’s disease via John Lithgow’s aging patriarch and the central performances from Freida Pinto and James Franco masking what eventually became an apocalyptic eco-thriller.

The film was almost very different, though, having begun life as Genesis, a story of an evil chimp who is genetically modified to become hyper-intelligent. In this version of the film, which was never originally written as part of the Planet of the Apes franchise, the Franco equivalent was searching for a cure to his wife’s Alzheimer’s rather than his father’s.

There was also a jettisoned subplot about the evil chimp’s love interest, but this one would go at least go on to appear in truncated form via the film’s sequel, 2014’s Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

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