12 Amazing Premises Wasted On Underwhelming Horror Films

6. The Hunt

Brightburn Elizabeth Banks
Universal Pictures

Premise: Several people are released in a hunting ground where they are hunted down and murdered by members of the elite.

This was the most controversial film of 2019... despite not actually being released that year. Thanks to worries about its gun violence themes and some apparent criticism from Donald Trump, the film was shelved.

Given the promise of its premise that was a bitter disappointment, so it was great to see that The Hunt would finally be released in early 2020. But was it worth the wait? Not at all.

It's still hard to believe that such a by-the-numbers film could've caused so much trouble. Not only had people Completely misunderstood what it was about beforehand (it's not a film about killing Trump voters - the Trump voters are the protagonists and the film's villains are elite liberals) but it's actually pretty tame in the end and is an overall weak thriller.

After an amazing opening 15 minutes The Hunt devolves into a rote, two-dimensional kill-fest with too little dark humour or actual tension to work. It's a disappointing movie whichever way you cut it and definitely not one of Blumhouse's finer movies.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.