12 Annoying Fanboy Complaints That Drive Everyone Insane

11. "My Favourite Movie Of The Year Wasn't Nominated For Best Picture"

The Complaint: "The movie I enjoyed the most this year obviously deserved to be recognised by the Academy Awards, and aside from a few tech nominations nobody really cares about, was snubbed in all the major categories, including Best Picture, which it totally deserved to win." Why It's Annoying: Because the Oscars aren't some instant validation of your movie tastes, and more to the point, the Oscars are so all over-the-place that there's no point holding them to a standard where they should be accepting more mainstream movies into the mix. Fanboy or not, it was widely accepted that The Dark Knight was snubbed for a Best Picture nomination in 2009, which resulted in the field being expanded to a possible 10 nominees, and ever since it's resulted in those blockbusters that went over huge with critics being almost immediately cited as Oscar-worthy, namely The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises and, of course, Mad Max: Fury Road. Isn't it enough that the movies themselves are fantastic? If the Academy doesn't recognise them, then that's less power to them: their prerogative is to recognise more down-the-line, traditionally "artistic" fare, and that's probably never going to change in the way that fanboys want. Plus, a lot of the time what fanboys might deem to be the year's best movie simply isn't good enough: Avengers: Age of Ultron, for instance.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.