12 Annoying Fanboy Complaints That Drive Everyone Insane

6. "My Favourite Character Has Been Recast...And I Will Now Hate Him Forever"

The Complaint: "My favourite character in the history of characters is about to be recast in a new movie. My life is over and I can't possibly give the new guy a chance because there's absolutely no way he's going to live up to the previous portrayal." Why It's Annoying: Because it's so closed-minded to cling eagerly to one interpretation of an iconic character rather than accept that there can be several equally valid stabs at it. As soon as Jared Leto was cast as The Joker in Suicide Squad, the Internet echo chamber largely responded with, "Well, he won't be as good as Heath Ledger", without anything being known about the script or the nature of his work. It seems clear that, smartly, Leto's turn will be starkly different to that of Ledger's, and whether or not he lives up to the previous portrayal, having an open mind about these things is a must, especially in the world of comics where continuity is fluid and "canon" is a pretty loose term. Even if Leto's Joker turns out to be significantly worse than Ledger's, it's no big deal. Just accept that Ledger's Joker was what it was, and these new takes are just their own thing, in the same way that thousands of actors have tackled Hamlet or Macbeth.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.