12 Annoying Fanboy Complaints That Drive Everyone Insane

5. "The Original Was Better & It Always Will Be"

The Complaint: "The original is, by default, always going to be better, because it came up with the idea and small things like execution don't really matter. Sequels and remakes, man, they can just never measure up to that came before." Why It's Annoying: While this mindset can be right a lot of the time (just look at the Terminator sequels and the recent Spider-Man reboot), it's tremendously ignorant and closed-minded to write them all off. Just look at The Thing, The Departed, the English language Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the Jump Street franchise to see how remakes can be totally superior. And the likes of Terminator 2, The Dark Knight, The Godfather 2 and so on show how a sequel can absolutely live up to the original. It's fair enough to be a little skeptical when a film you love is getting a follow-up or rehash, but they're not all cut from the same cloth, and in some cases, it can totally work.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.