12 Awesome Horror Movie Monsters We Didn't Get Enough Of

1. The Elder Gods - In The Mouth Of Madness

Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark
New Line

Yes, we’re aware that the monsters aren’t really the point of Halloween director John Carpenter’s wildly underrated nineties meta-horror classic In the Mouth of Madness.

It’s all the meta trippiness which is supposed to scare us, leaving us wondering what’s real and what isn’t, where reality ends and insanity begins, and whether we should pick up that new Sutter Kane or just wait for the movie.

But despite a stellar central performance from Sam Neill, damn if the scarcely glimpsed Lovecraftian elder gods of this flick aren’t terrifying—a shapeless, vaguely formed mass of teeth and claws with no discernible body, moving en masse and constantly shifting in a nightmarish display worthy of David Lynch’s most hardcore headf*** moments.

Mind you, you’ll need the pause button to even see these beasties.

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