12 Awesome Horror Movie Monsters We Didn't Get Enough Of

6. The Sea Monster - Deepstar Six

Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark
TriStar Pictures

Released alongside Leviathan (and Lords of the Deep, and The Abyss, and The Rift, and The Evil Below—1989 was a great year for underwater creature features, is the point), Deepstar Six may also follow a small crew as they attempt to escape a sea-based monster, but that’s where the similarities end.

Well, that and the fact that both movies don’t make anywhere near enough use of their incredible monster designs, with the oversized scorpion-esque scourge that attacks Deepstar Six’s cast never being seen in its entirety throughout the film.

Like Leviathan, the film does give us a relatively good glimpse of its insanely cool monster near the close in a brief broad daylight sequence, but by then like Jojo said all those years ago, you know it’s just too little too late.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.