12 Awesome Movies You Can Only Watch Once

8. Irreversible

Why It's Awesome: Gaspar Noe's demented non-linear drama about a man (Vincent Cassel) looking to avenge the savage rape of his girlfriend (Monica Bellucci) is a stylistically amazing examination of the darker side of human nature. As Noe takes us backwards through the revenge story, we come to learn that, indeed, time does destroy everything, and as more than a movie merely aimed to shock, Irreversible presents raw humanity to the viewer in the most arresting and unforgettable of means. You will not be able to shake this movie for months, maybe even years. Why You Can Only Watch It Once: Because you won't be able to shake it for months, maybe even years. Though there's plenty of visual beauty to be found, Irreversible tells an ugly story, beginning with the violent murder of the apparent rapist in a gay club (in which we see the man's face be destroyed with a fire extinguisher), before flinging us back to witness the rape scene in one vile, unbroken take. Noe's unflinching approach holds nothing back, and from the opening scene in the gay club (which uses spinning camerawork and low-frequency noise to make the viewer feel uncomfortable) to the stunning final revelations, this is a horrifying (but brilliant) movie you won't want to return to anytime soon.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.