12 Awesome Recent Movies That Must Never Get Sequels

10. Baby Driver

Baby Driver
TriStar Pictures

Edgar Wright's highly entertaining musical heist thriller has been a critical smash and the biggest box office success of writer-director Edgar Wright's career, grossing more than $225 million worldwide against a modest $34 million budget.

Those are of course the sorts of numbers that get studios itching to fast-track a sequel, but given how open-and-shut Baby's story seemed, and how the musical conceit might feel a little tired and played-out a second time around, it's probably better if Wright keeps pressing on with fresh projects instead.

How Likely Is It?: Wright has confirmed that TriStar approached him about a sequel, but he remains non-committal.

He has at least humoured the idea enough to consider where it might go, though, saying, "I sort of have an idea that if you did another one you would subvert his involvement in the crime in a different way so he’s not kind of the apprentice anymore."

Wright doesn't really seem like a sequel guy, so while there's a first time for everything, it probably won't happen. 4/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.