12 Awesome Sounding Sequels We Wish Had Happened

2. Rocky Horror Shows His Heels

rocky horror On average when someone compiles a list of the top cult films of all time, Rocky Horror Picture Show falls somewhere in the top three. With very good reason, RHPS has inspired legions of fans worldwide who to this day will still shell out the cash to catch it on the big screen. They€™ll even show up is costumes, sing and dance along with the movie as well as participate in many other bizarre rituals. Though even some diehard Rock Horror fans might be surprised to learn in that in 1981 a sequel to RHPS was released under the name Shock Treatment. Now Shock Treatment is not a terrible film, but it in no way lives up to its predecessor. But this is not entirely the movie€™s fault. Richard O'Brien had written and planed for a completely different sequel originally, but some of the cast weren€™t available and Rocky Horror director Jim Sharman wasn€™t all that into the idea. Unlike Shock Treatment Rocky Horror Shows his Heels would have been a direct sequel to the cult classic. Taking place not long after the events of RHPS, Janet has become pregnant with a child but is unsure if the baby belongs to Brad, Rocky or Dr. Frank-N-Furter, who is resurrected. Frank-N-Furter learns of Janet€™s pregnancy and gathers up a group of his fellow Transylvanians (who are from the galaxy of Transylvania and not the central part of Romania) to take the baby. The Rocky Horror series wouldn€™t have ended there either, it has become fairly well known to RHPS fans that O€™Brian planed a third film called Revenge of the Old Queen set on Frank-N-Furter€™s home planet of Transsexual.
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Chris Librizzi is a Stand-Up Comedian from Atlantic City NJ. He has three cats, drinks too much coffee and is an avid Macho Man Randy Savage enthusiast. Dig it. (Dictated but not read) Check Chris out on Facebook and get yourself some free good karma http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chris-Librizzi/417127695030524