12 Awful 2015 Horror Movies To Avoid This Halloween

7. Area 51

Talk about a colossal disappointment. Shortly after Paranormal Activity proved a massive hit with audiences in 2009, writer-director Oren Peli got to work on his next project, a sci-fi horror centered around Nevada's iconic Area 51 facility, which legend dictates contains the remains of aliens. After reshoots took place in 2013, Area 51 was finally released on VOD over this past summer with barely any publicity backing it: as such only five Rotten Tomatoes critics have even bothered to review it, with a mostly negative reception no less. It's not exactly a surprise that despite its solid premise, the film is dull and only sporadically atmospheric, being hampered by predictable jumps, lame dialogue and annoying characters. Worst of all is how poor the production quality is: the film somehow cost $5 million to make but looks like it cost a fraction of that, all the more embarrassing considering it only made $7,556 at the box office, essentially making it a reverse-Paranormal Activity. Simply, it suggests that Peli, who has no doubt made a fortune serving as a producer on the PA series, is a one-trick pony without much else to offer.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.