12 Awful 2015 Horror Movies To Avoid This Halloween

6. Sinister 2

Another needless horror sequel that probably should've gone the VOD route, Sinister 2 follows-up the very neat and tidy ending of the original by inflicting its antagonist on another poor family for a round of generic scares that feel never less than inferior to what came before. In fairness, the visuals and direction are just fine and the acting is solid (Shannyn Sossamon is a decent protagonist and has effective chemistry with James Ransone's Deputy So-and-So, the only significant returning actor from the original), but the film is blatantly padded out with subplots, which only further hamper any atmosphere director Ciaran Foy attempts to muster. To the film's fair credit, it ends on an unexpectedly grim note, but this can't really paper over the mistakes made in the preceding 90-plus minutes. More bad news: its box office success ($48.2 million against a $10 million budget) pretty much guarantees another sequel in some form.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.