12 Awful Films DCEU Actors Want You To Forget

10. Henry Cavill - Hellraiser: Hellworld

Henry Cavill Hellraiser
Miramax Films

The future Superman had a spotty enough set of early outings when he began his screen career over twenty long years ago, and for every reasonably well-received effort, such as his small role in 2003’s Dodie Smith adaptation I Capture the Castle, there was at least one equivalent dud like 2005’s laughably bad Hellraiser instalment Hellworld.

The eighth in a long string of outings for British horror scribe Clive Barker’s most beloved villain (sorry, Candyman), Hellworld was another so-so sequel which contributed to the gradual decay of a series which—outside of a stellar first instalment—didn’t have all that much quality to lose.

Cavill plays minor character Mike who’s mercifully killed off early enough in proceedings surviving long enough to poke around some of a haunted mansion without doing permanent damage to his onscreen credibility.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.