12 Awful Films MCU Actors Want You To Forget

8. Samuel L Jackson - Kite

Chris Pratt 2
Anchor Bay

Sure, so Samuel L Jackson may have one of the more impressive careers amongst the many stars lighting up the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After all, it’s not every actor who can claim to have collaborated with directors as impressive as Quentin Tarantino multiple times whilst still managing to boast titles like Snakes On A Plane and National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 in his extensive ouevre.

And no, we will not be listing either of the above as movies which embarrassed the actor, since no one would want to forget National Lampoon's underrated buddy cop spoof—Why'd they try to spoof movies that were already comedic? Inscrutable and unmissable.

No, the venerable Nick Fury instead appears on this list with 2014's Kite, a misjudged anime adaptation which not only lost millions but prompted more gasps of laughter and disbelief than awe upon its release. Shot in South Africa, the woeful action thriller sees a schoolgirl turned sex slave turned assassin slaughtering her way through scores of baddies in a stylized neo-noir setting, and outside of being embarrassingly bad, the flick is mostly notable for being adapted from a pornographic hentai which was banned in Britain for its controversial content.

Interesting choice in projects there, Samuel.

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Chris Pratt
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