12 Awful Films MCU Actors Want You To Forget

7. Robert Downey Jr - The Shaggy Dog

Chris Pratt 2

Remember when we said that Gothika was as bad as Robert Downey Jr’s post-sobriety career became? Well, we may have forgotten the actor’s minor role in this 2006 flop, an ill-conceived flick wherein Tim Allen transforms into the eponymous family pet in order to learn a lesson about prioritizing family over business, caring for friendship, and ultimately—you’re not still reading this, are you?

The film is a woeful re-tread of territory covered by dozens of superior family films, and its sloppy slapstick and embarrassing sentimentality left viewers yearning for the comparative subtlety of See Spot Run and the infamous “dead dad snowman” debacle of 1998’s Jack Frost. Luckily Downey Jr only has a small role in the film, bad as it is, but this was one of his first major studio flicks after indie comeback Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, so the setback was a big deal back in 2006 when the movie was released to universally vicious reviews.

So hopefully this is the last prominent talking-animal-centric flop we’ll see from him…

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Chris Pratt
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