12 Awful Movie Sequels That Franchises Completely Ignored

9. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Cannon Group

Wiped Out By: Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III

After the Nightmare On Elm Street franchise turned Freddy Krueger into a star, New Line bought the rights to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and attempted to frame Leatherface the same way, starting with the third film in the franchise.

It wiped out the more comical second film, which was made by legend Tobe Hooper, and while the X-rating it earned promised a return to the gore-fest waters of the first, it was also a disaster for marketing it. It's no real surprise that it was critically mauled and tanked as a result.

Ironically for Hooper, the second film went on to cult acclaim, and is probably still the best Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequel to date.

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