12 Bad-Ass DC Movie Scenes That We Almost Got To See

2. The Alternate Opening - Terry Gilliam's Watchmen

Ozymandias Watchmen
DC Comics

Before Warner Bros made the genius decision to hire Zack Snyder, Watchmen looked like an unfilmable property, no matter how popular the seminal comic was. There had been other attempts, but they'd unfortunately crumbled to dust, including a hugely intriguing one from Terry Gilliam.

As you might have expected, some of Gilliam's ideas were a little... madcap. He wanted Arnold Schwarzenegger to play Dr Manhattan for instance, and Robin Williams and Gary Busey were linked to The Comedian. He also messed with the source material considerably, which led to an excellent sounding opening sequence that would have made the project worth seeing.

Instead of opening with The Comedian's death, the film would have started with a terrorist attack on the Statue of Liberty. Dr. Manhattan would fail to stop the attack, leading to huge public backlash against the heroes, before it jumped to the future and The Comedian's murder.

That terrorist attack would have made for an immediately iconic spectacle, and it's a shame we didn't get to see it.


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