12 Bafflingly High 2018 IMDB Scores You Will Not Believe

11. Death Wish (6.4)

Death Wish Bruce Willis

The Death Wish remake nobody asked for somehow got a free pass from audiences, who inexplicably suffered through Bruce Willis' comatose performance and Eli Roth's slack direction and thought, "You know what? That was an OK movie."

Despite Roth's penchant for grisly thrills, he directs this uninvolving revenge thriller with total anonymity, failing to even make good on all the basic, exploitative blood-letting.

A miserable film lacking the original's morally soupy gusto with a Willis performance that can't hold a candle to Charles Bronson's, Death Wish is as cynical and pointless as remakes get.

The Score It Deserves: Critics gave it a 3.9 average, which admittedly also seems a tad generous. The film is basically functional but nothing more, so we'll go with 3.5, almost half its IMDB score.

This also places it slightly above Slender Man (3.2), which honestly makes for perfect company.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.