12 Batman Movie Mistakes You Can Never Unsee

8. The Goggles, They Do Nothing

Batman Selena Kyle Mistake
Warner Bros.

The Dark Knight Rises is pretty infamous for including some plot holes you could crash its predecessor’s truck through—not to mention some iffy political stances. But one character in particular seems to have borne the brunt of the flick’s many mess ups, and it’s actually not Tom Hardy’s glowering, towering Bane.

No, Anne Hathaway’s Selina Kyle, a.k.a Catwoman, is at the centre of an inexplicable handful of the movie’s mistakes as seen during the admittedly pretty awesome scene wherein she uses the Batpod’s seldom-utilised cannons to blast through a barricade of cars and enter Gotham.

Pay attention as the camera follows her putting on goggles, firing the cannons, and - surveying the damage with her goggles off again.

Maybe the explosion blew them off?


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