12 Best Black Comedy Movies Of All Time

3. In Bruges (2008)

Heathers Christian Slater
Universal Studios

A Martin McDonagh script is jampacked with inappropriate remarks and shocking content. One minute you're left gobsmacked, open-jawed, and blurry-eyed, only to be hit again with something even more daring than before. It's a conveyor belt of tactless nonsense that somehow manages to work despite its ill-judged manner. In other words, Martin McDonagh is a genius and actor, Collin Farrell sure knows what is required of him.

This can be seen in the severely underrated, In Bruges, a movie that makes light of the botched murder of a child. What happens next is a bumbling crime caper of violent idiotic hitmen underneath the backdrop of a beautifully lit Bruges. In fact, the movie acts as a form of advertising for Belgium's most famous city with tourism said to have increased after the movie's release.

Nowadays, In Bruges is considered a cult classic, thus enhancing its black comedy status. As time goes on it just seems to get funnier and funnier with the bleak nature of its plot hidden behind a hilariously written script.

Martin McDonagh went on to make the equally ridiculous, Seven Psychopaths, a movie that also dabbles in the wonders of gallows humor and shocking content.

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