12 Best Black Comedy Movies Of All Time

4. World’s Greatest Dad (2009)

Heathers Christian Slater
Magnolia Pictures

Robin Williams was great at playing the goofball but his ability to play something other than that was often underrated. Take the World's Greatest Dad, a movie that capitalized on the "Robin Williams Dad" role and instead offered audiences a different kind of father figure that turned out to be pretty creepy. This was no Mrs. Doubtfire.

In The World's Greatest Dad, Williams plays single father, Lance Clayton, a high school English teacher with hopes of becoming a published writer. Sadly, Clayton can't seem to get published, to make things worse, he then finds his son dead in an unfortunate erotic asphyxiation accident. What do you expect? This is a black comedy after all.

Not wanting his son to be embarrassed, Clayton quickly hangs the limp body in a closet and pens a suicide note to go along with it. What follows is a charade of hilarious uncomfortable moments which includes a man exploiting his own son's death and then seemingly enjoying it.

The worst thing about it is that most of us have all been there. Well, maybe not the erotic asphyxiation part... but the going to extreme lengths to get the credit that we deserve, or at least the credit that we think we deserve.

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Kristy Law hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.