12 Best Black Comedy Movies Of All Time

7. American Psycho (2000)

Heathers Christian Slater

American Psycho has that rare quality of being better than the book that inspired it. The book, written by the misogynist but claiming to be postmodernist, Brett Easton Ellis, is a clear example of a piece of art attempting to shock for the sake of it. The film, on the other hand, takes that shock value and turns it into a satirical take on toxic masculinity and the life of a sadistic serial killer.

We've all seen serial killer movies, we know the drill. Yet, this movie does something different in that this time we are allowed to watch this manic murderer develop, we understand his way of life, which has made him into what he has become. We sit back in silence as he goes on the hunt and we hold our breath when he finally acts upon his impulses. In fact, many of the scenes are so violent that we end up chuckling at the absurdity of it all.

Yet deep down, we know these people exist. We know serial killers like him have walked this earth, we've read about them and seen them. We know that these psychos do terrifying things such as axing people to death and then placing their severed heads in the refrigerator. We just haven't ever been subjected to it. So what else are we supposed to do other than laugh... albeit nervously...

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