12 Best Comic Book Movie Trailers Ever

3. Guardians Of The Galaxy (Trailer #1)

Marvel were riding an incredible wave when they were getting ready to promote Guardians of the Galaxy: they'd completed Phase 1, which culminated in the biggest superhero movie of all-time, and Phase 2 was set to deliver the best standalone Marvel film to-date (at that point, anyway) with Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

They could do anything they wanted. What they wanted, though, was a massive risk. A bunch of heroes no one had heard of, from a comic run few had read. One of them was a talking racoon. Another was a giant tree who could only say his own name. Throw in a green alien, a wrestler, and the 'fat guy out of Parks & Rec', put it in space, and you've got a lot of people asking WTF? There were doubts that even Marvel could pull this off. And then this trailer happened.

The opening is a great bit of setup, teasing that this is going to be another dark and serious superhero movie, before the comedic switch from Chris Pratt's Star-Lord. From there we're introduced to the team - helpfully explained by John C. Reilly and Peter Serafinowicz - and the action, and music, kick-in, showing off a wonderful blend of humour, action, and sci-fi. That racoon and talking tree everyone was so worried about were fantastic, and as Peter Quill gives the middle finger, Marvel gives one to anyone who who doubted them.

This trailer, much like the resulting film, is smart, confident, cocky, and genuinely funny. Viewing this, it's hard not to hooked on a feeling that Guardians was going to be a hit.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.