12 Best Fan Theories About 2015's Biggest Films

2. Ant-Man Has Been In Every Marvel Movie...But Shrunk

The Theory: Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) has been in at least several prior Marvel movies, but the problem? He's been stuck in miniature mode and unable to return himself to normal size for reasons unknown. All those big battles? He's been trying to help, but his efforts have gone largely unnoticed. Thanks, Reddit's The_Last_Castoff. Why It's Awesome: Because it's a hilarious way to give Ant-Man a more expansive origin story, nodding to his silly powers in a highly tongue-in-cheek way while referencing previous MCU events. How Likely Is It?: 2/10. Don't put it past Marvel to throw something this meta into a future movie, but at the same time, it invites too many logical issues, such as how the timeline would sync up, and how Lang wasn't able to pull off a single manoeuver that was noticed by any of the Avengers. As such, it would probably make the most sense for him to have been in Age of Ulton's final battle, as it was so crowded and cluttered and so close temporarily to Ant-Man that he could plausibly be there and easily go unnoticed. Mostly, though, this one's just amusing to consider.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.