12 Best Fan Theories About 2015's Biggest Films

4. Fox Deliberately Ruined Fantastic Four So Marvel Couldn't Profit From It

The Theory: There are numerous variations on this theory, but the most logical one suggests that Fox didn't really have any interest in making a Fantastic Four movie, but rather than just let the rights expire so that Marvel Studios could scoop them up, they made a terrible movie in an attempt to "torpedo" the cinematic franchise, tainting it so much that a Marvel Studios Fantastic Four movie wouldn't be a viable option either. Considering that most casual moviegoers can't tell the difference between a Fox and a Marvel Studios Marvel movie, it just might work, too. Why It's Awesome: Sure, it's a little on the tinfoil hat-wearing side, and though it sucks that Fox would dare pull out such a vindictive move, it is rather brilliant in its own way if true. Sure, Fox poured a lot of effort into making a movie that made them no money, but they epically trolled their chief rival with a "if we can't do it, you can't either" $120 million temper tantrum. How Likely Is It?: 3/10. If 2014's Sony e-mail leak proved anything, it's that movie execs are about as mature as playground bullies, so it makes sense in a twisted way. Still, like we say, it's a lot of effort just to inconvenience another studio, and given Marvel's track record at adapting difficult properties, they might still find a way to make a third Fantastic Four reboot work. Plus, it seems like a pretty cruel load to dump on talented young director Josh Trank, whose career may well have been totally derailed by this calamity.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.