12 Biggest Lies Told In Star Wars Movies

10. Blasters Are Random

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The Lie

When Obi-Wan hands over Anakin's lightsaber to Luke, he says the following:

"Your father's lightsaber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. An elegant weapon... for a more civilized age."

The Truth

The idea that a precision, long-distance weapon like a blaster (or any projectile by extension) is "random" is ludicrous. The randomness comes from whoever wields it.

Look at Han Solo: he's an expert marksman who has a kill-rate that makes the Empire's forces look silly, and Princess Leia is similarly gifted. Dismissing the weapon as "random" is horribly reductive, and just makes Obi-Wan look out-dated.

And it's not like any lightsaber ever destroyed a Death Star, is it?

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