12 Biggest Lies Told In Star Wars Movies

9. Untrained, Luke Would Become "An Agent Of Evil"

Star Wars Yoda

The Lie

As Yoda warns Luke in The Empire Strikes Back when he cuts his training short “If you end your training now - if you choose the quick and easy path as Vader did - you will become an agent of evil.”

However you interpret that, Yoda was saying Luke would turn to the Dark Side if he didn't complete it.

The Truth

He didn't become an agent of evil as much as becoming a bad Jedi. All not completing his training with Yoda did was make him woefully under-prepared to face Darth Vader on Bespin and get him one less hand.

Sure, it might be ret-conned that he's evil (or that he was turned to the Dark Side somehow temporarily) in The Last Jedi, but to suggest that was planned when Yoda said it in the second film is ludicrous. And it's pretty unlikely.

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