12 Biggest Lies Told In Star Wars Movies

8. Jediism Is A Religion

Star Wars Jedi Temple

The Lie

Knowledge of the Force is dismissed by Han Solo as a "hokey religion", and the entire culture of Star Wars is built on the idea that the Jedi are a spiritual body, and that knowledge of the Force is their religion.

The Truth

By definition, a religion has to be based on faith. Thanks to the midi-chlorian "ret-con", Force usage is based entirely in science. There is no spirituality involved in who can feel the Force, simply a biological pre-disposition to Force sensitivity.

Even the use of "believing" in the Force as a concept (something even Luke Skywalker uses) is a betrayal of this apparent spiritualism of the Force as a concept. The reality is that strictly adhering to the "light side" of the Force IS a religion in a way, as it's establishing an ideological interpretation based on the assumption that observation leads to balance, but knowledge of the Force itself is absolutely not.

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