12 Biggest Retcons In Star Wars Movie History

10. "Your Father Wanted You To Have This..."

Star Wars Lightsaber Meme

When Luke first meets Obi-Wan Kenobi in the original trilogy, the old man is guilty of lots of half-truths and things that could be considered true "from a certain point of view." That's just another way of saying that the writing was so sloppy and short-sighted that a hope coping mechanism had to be built in to stop Kenobi looking bad.

Some of the things he said could legitimately be pinned on him telling Luke what he needed to know, but that isn't the case with him telling the young man that his father wanted him to have his lightsaber when he was old enough. Saying that - and insisting that Uncle Owen forbade it - has no value as a lie.

The reality is that this was intended to be the truth, but then the prequel trilogy told the actual story of Darth Vader's origin, revealing that Obi-Wan left him to die by a river of lava and they had no such conversation.

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