12 Biggest Retcons In Star Wars Movie History

7. R2 Can Fly

Star Wars R2D2 Flying

When you're looking back at the worst moments of the prequel trilogy, there's a very good chance that R2-D2 suddenly taking to the air will rank pretty high. it's horribly cringe-worthy and seems to fundamentally ignore the fact that R2 has the same sort of aerodynamics and grace as a swing bin.

And not to mention, at no point in the original trilogy did the droid think to fly, despite there being several prime opportunities for him to do so. Like when he's stuck in the swamp on Degobah. Even the goofy 1980s Droids cartoon series left it out.

And sure, there was some suggestion that the boosters simply broke before the time of the original trilogy, that's too convenient and it's much more likely that it was simply a retcon for the sake of someone's "cool" idea to have him fly.

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