12 Biggest Retcons In Star Wars Movie History

6. Uncle Owen

Star Wars Luke Skywalker Uncle Owen Aunt Beru

Though the line didn't make it into the finished film, the original script of Return of the Jedi had Obi-Wan's Force ghost confirm to Luke that Uncle Owen is his own brother. This would have made sense, given that it would mean he was well hidden from his father and would have made the fact that he allowed him to retain his tell-tale surname a little less stupid.

But then in Attack Of The Clones, it was revealed that Owen was actually Anakin's step-brother and wasn't linked to Obi-Wan. So the suggestion was that the best option for hiding Luke from his dangerous father was to hand him over to his brother on the planet Anakin grew up on. Nice work there, genius.

What if Anakin had decided to have a trip home on his downtime? Or decided to drop in on his family to tie up some loose ends?

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