12 Biggest Retcons In Star Wars Movie History

5. Anakin's Ghost

Star Wars Hayden Christensen Ghost Anakin Skywalker

Along with David Prowse - whose voice was edited out of the series entirely - Sebastian Shaw has to go down as one of the most messed with figures in Star Wars movie history. He might have got his big moment when a dying Vader reveals his face to Luke, but he originally got to play Anakin Skywalker in less pained form as a Force ghost immediately afterwards.

Sadly for him, his performance wasn't deemed worthy enough to keep him in the movie after the prequel trilogy came out. Instead, he was digitally removed and replaced by Hayden Christensen, who for some reason decided not to smile as sweetly as Shaw had and sort of cockily scowled.

Why they needed to do that is unclear, since it effectively messed up the rules of Force ghosting

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