12 Bonkers Theories About 2018’s Movies That Surely Can’t Be True

5. T'Challa Loses Wakanda To Erik Killmonger - Black Panther

Black Panther T Challa
Marvel Studios

The Theory: T'Challa actually loses control of Wakanda to Erik Killmonger during his solo movie, and isn't the King by the time Infinity War rolls around.

Why It Can't Be True: The most compelling evidence to refute this is the fact that the Infinity War trailer shows Black Panther with an army of Wakandans fighting off Thanos' Outriders during a huge war in the country.

Plus, wouldn't it just be a huge downer for Black Panther's own movie to end with him being exiled from his homeland? And does Infinity War really have time for a subplot where T'Challa wrestles control of his kingdom back from Killmonger?

But..What If?: To a point, the logic does make sense: Wakanda's previous King has been murdered after the world was made aware of the country's existence, and so the general public may feel that T'Challa isn't ready to be King, while rallying around a more conservative populist in Erik Killmonger.

Plus, just because T'Challa appears on Wakanda in Infinity War, it doesn't mean he's the King. He could very well be standing beside an army of loyalists who never stopped supporting him, or perhaps the threat to Wakanda from Thanos is so strong that Killmonger and T'Challa have to reluctantly team up.

The possibilities, and mental gymnastics to make this theory work, are pretty damn extensive.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.