12 Cancelled Sci-Fi Moves We Wish We Could Have Seen

9. Terminator 2, Starring... Billy Idol


James Cameron’s iconic sequel to 1984’s hard-edged sci-fi thriller The Terminator spent a few years in development hell before emerging with the liquid metal T-1000 and newly heroic Arnie we all know and love. During its tenure there, the film’s villain went through a handful of unrecognizable revisions, but there’s one in particular which we really wish we could have seen realized.

The T-1000 was almost played by Arnold as well as the actor playing the Terminator, resulting in some surreal scenes of the star fighting himself—as well as even more dodgy stunt doubles than the finished film ended up with. However, more interesting was another choice for the role—Billy Idol.

That’s right, if it weren’t for a poorly timed motorcycle mishap the White Wedding singer would have been the one taking on Arnie, a version we wish we could see—and hear the soundtrack to, too.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.