12 Cancelled Sci-Fi Moves We Wish We Could Have Seen

8. Star Trek: Stardust

Godzilla vs Batman
Paramount Pictures

Okay we did technically get to see this one, in some sense, in that the project which began as

Star Trek Stardust eventually became Star Trek Insurrection, but the similarity to the first draft ends with the franchise named in the title.

The original story for what was then titled Stardust would have seen Picard reunited with a fellow Starfleet Academy cadet who has gone rogue since the two last met, attempting to stoke a war between the Federation and the Romulans.

The script then became a sort of Trekkie remix of Apocalypse Now, an altogether darker affair than the film we eventually got, as Picard ventured to a planet which was rumoured to hold a fountain of youth in order to track down his former friend and uncover his plan, along with Romulan co-operation, to take over this planet and thus obtain the secret to immortality.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.