12 Comic Book Movie Characters Screwed By Their Adaptation

2. Mandarin (Iron Man 3)

The most recent truly screwy adaptation of a comic book character in a movie was the Mandarin - and we'll probably still be moaning about it for years to come. The Mandarin that comic fans know and love is Iron Man€™s arch-nemesis - a classic comic book villain with a rich history of stories and characterisation dating back to 1964. The character is Chinese, he's a descendant of Genghis Khan, a martial artist whose skill alone renders him almost superhuman and he possesses ten powerful rings, each of which grants him a different ability (including things like the ability to fire electrical energy and the ability to fire a beam that destroys the bond between atoms and molecules). Therefore, it was hugely disappointing to see this great villain presented as nothing more than a bumbling British actor with an alcohol problem - as he was being used as a guise to distract from the real villain of the movie, Aldrich Killian. Killian himself - a man with Extremis powers and the head of A.I.M. - then claimed to be the real Mandarin and he was even further away from the comic book version! Essentially, a classic character was ruined in an unacceptable way in Iron Man 3. It€™s Marvel€™s biggest error in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to date.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.