12 Comic Book Movie Characters Screwed By Their Adaptation

7. Deadpool (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)

Deadpool is one of the most beloved of all comic book characters. The Merc with a Mouth is hilarious and his ability to talk to the reader makes him quite unique - and the version we got in this movie was absolutely nothing like the Deadpool we know and love. His powerset is usually just an artificially granted healing factor similar to Wolverine's and the rest of what he's all about comes from sheer skill in hand-to-hand combat and with firearms. However, the character was absolutely butchered in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, having been granted a Frankenstein-esque mish-mash of powers that the comic book version simply doesn't have by virtue of being used in an experiment by William Stryker. And the fact that his mouth was ultimately sealed shut is so far removed from the smart-mouthed, witty and incredibly talkative Deadpool we know and love from the comics that it€™s utterly ridiculous. He really is one character whose movie portrayal needs rectifying and, if the Deadpool test footage that was recently released is anything to go by, it would be awesome done properly.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.