12 Comic Book Movie Characters Screwed By Their Adaptation

6. Bane (Batman & Robin)

Bane in the comic books is a complex character with a hell of a lot to him. He's a genius, a master tactician and strategist, a master of disguise, possesses a photographic memory, is an expert hand-to-hand combatant in peak physical condition and is often depicted as having been artificially enhanced by a serum that increases his physical strength massively. In this movie, he was an ex-murderer called Antonio Diego who Poison Ivy used to inject a venom that increased his physical strength, but turned him in to a mindless brute (played by wrestler and sometimes minor actor Robert "Jeep" Swenson, which emphasises how small and shallow the role was). It was a huge shame to see a classic Batman villain given this treatment and, while Tom Hardy's depiction some fifteen years later was certainly better, we're still yet to see a faithful adaptation of the comic book version of Bane.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.