12 Comic Book Movie Moments That Ignored The Script

10. Peggy Is Overpowered By Captain America’s Pecs

Agent Peggy Carter
Marvel Studios

It took shooting scenes multiples times, a body double and a rather ominous sounding procedure known as ‘digital plastic surgery’ to transform Captain America: The First Avenger’s usually tall and muscular star Chris Evans into the superhero’s sickly, pre-Super Soldier Serum alter ego Steve Rogers.

When the once scrawny, 90-pound weakling emerges from an experimental procedure designed to create the soldier of all soldiers twice as heavy, a good foot taller and with muscles so chiselled they wouldn’t look out of place on a Greek god, Strategic Scientific Reserve officer Peggy Carter is so overcome that she coyly has a quick fondle of the newly buff Steve’s pecs.

If Hayley Atwell’s reaction to Evans’ toned torso seems completely natural, that’s because it was: the scene was the first time the actress had seen her co-star shirtless and, rather taken by his honed physique, apparently couldn’t keep her hands to herself.


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