12 Comic Book Movie Moments That Ignored The Script

8. X-Men’s Charles ‘Wheels’ Xavier

Patrick Stewart X Men
20th Century Fox

With nine instalments now under its belt it’s difficult to remember where the X-Men film franchise all began, but cast your mind way back to 2000 when the first ever X-Men was released for an early, unscripted gem from the comic book movie annals of history.

When a dishevelled, post-fight Wolverine meets Charles Xavier for the first time and takes the mickey out of the X-Men team’s nom de superheroes, Hugh Jackman was supposed to utter the original scripted line ‘What do they call you, Baldie?’ in reference to Patrick Stewart’s beautiful, gloriously shiny bald head, But after the clocking the X-Mansion owner’s state of the art wheelchair Jackman decided to switch up the scene and say the more amusing line ‘What do they call you, Wheels?’ instead.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.