12 Directors Who Admitted They Ruined Their Own Movies

8. Michael Bay Called Revenge Of The Fallen 'Crap'

The Snowman
Paramount Pictures

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a case where something hugely flashy can still somehow be unbearably dull.

The movie involves dozens of locations in a storyline so disjointed and messy that it is as confusing as it is boring. The most memorable part of the movie, and not in a good way, is probably the scene where the audience is treated to a pair of robot metallic testicles.

In an interview, director Michael Bay seems to acknowledge exactly the concerns everyone else did:

"We made some mistakes. The real fault with [Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen] is that it ran into a mystical world. When I look back at it, that was crap."

Bay, however, partly defended himself by citing that his options were limited by the writers’ strike at the time. The strike compelled him to make the movie based on a 14-pages script which actually makes the fact the movie is more than two-hour-long even more confusing.

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The Snowman
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