12 Disturbing Sci-Fi Movies You Must Watch (But Only Once)

9. Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Kuso Movie
Kaijyu Theatres

Tony Stark wouldn't know where to look.

Like Eraserhead, Tetsuo: The Iron Man is filmed in black and white both to mask the limitations of its effects and to aid its creation of a strange, unsettling atmosphere.

Unlike Lynch’s debut, it features more metal phalluses than any other film on this list, and sees them jammed where they definitely don’t belong. In fact, this tale of a twisted metal fetishist whose body gradually falls apart sees him jam a lot of rusty shards where they were never meant to be jammed. There’s a clever central metaphor hidden in here about technology’s sudden invasion of our bodies and mind over the last century and the overwhelming desire to be subsumed by the suffocating veil of progress, but trust us when we say it’s all the sharp and violent penetration which you’ll never be able to un-see when remembering this singular cinematic experience.

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Sci-Fi Kuso
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